Viva Agave – the festival dedicated to all things agave starts tomorrow! And, we’re at our second to last interview in the agave series…
Tag: agave interviews
Meet Domingo Garcia, author, mezcal researcher & agave spirits consultant
Meet Domingo Garcia, author, mezcal researcher & agave spirits consultant
Viva Agave! Meet Roberto Artusio and Cristian Bugiada, co-founders of the projects La Punta Expendio de Agave and Maria Sabina in Rome
Mezcals are unique spirits with very different peculiarities. Learn to explore them….
Viva Agave! Meet Niki Nakazawa of Neta Mezcal
Sip your agave spirits straight with some toasted pumpkins seeds on the side! We’re learning lots of interesting tidbits with our mezcal interview series….
Meet Eduardo Orendain of Arette Tequila
Over a decade ago it wasn’t easy to find a good tequila in Paris, and it was relegated to bad shooters in cheap bars. But fortunately better quality agave spirits […]