Paris Cocktail Bars: George V

George V
31 Avenue Georges V
75008 Paris
Tel : 01 45 62 33 51

This will be a short post, because there’s not much to say: The George V is one of those bars, where they pretty much have to make good drinks & I’d say that the price you pay is not just for a good drink, but to keep the riff-raff out and for fancy touches like pretty spoon rests and twists in the shape of a “V”.

It’s not a place where you are going for a bustling atmosphere, but rather to sip your expensive cocktail, content in the knowledge that you are in an lovely, upscale environment where people are there to serve your smallest need. I enjoyed it, but I’m still really more interested in finding places that exist for the purpose of great cocktails – not just where they make good cocktails to maintain the image of a bigger enterprise.

It’s been awhile (as I said before, I’m behind on my blogging) but I believe my martini (which was very good) was 24 Euros. We sat in the outdoor area, which is beautiful and quiet and offers good people watching. And, all in all this is a pretty lame post, because it’s been some time and I can’t even remember the other drink I ordered. Matt and I were joined by another friend, and we all enjoyed being there, but feel like it’s a bit out of our price range for frequent cocktail visits. But, for a special treat, why not?

 UPDATE: At the time I did this review, it was one of my first few cocktail bar reviews and I hadn’t visited the bars of many of the other luxury hotels in Paris.  Now, having a MUCH bigger frame of reference into which to put the George V, I’d say this is one of the best luxury hotel options for cocktails and will soon be doing an update post.

2 thoughts on “Paris Cocktail Bars: George V

  1. Nope. That was purely my mistake. I hope I haven’t inadvertently sent legions of drinkers to the wrong place! 🙂

    Thanks for the catch – I’ve corrected the post.

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