A Chat with Amy Pasquet of Cognac Pasquet

In this month’s episode, we talk to Amy Pasquet of Cognac Pasquet about the journey that brought her from the US to living and working in France at what is now her family distillery. She shares her take on Cognac consumption in France and globally, some interesting historical reasons for the French drinking less Cognac, and challenges faced in the past due to phylloxera to prohibition. We touch on what it’s like to work in France and in such a traditional industry as a foreigner. Amy also tells us about some experiments they are up to and finally shares a cocktail made with their Pineau de Charente that was made for this year’s Met Gala. It’s a very fact-filled and interesting episode!

Cognac Pasquet founders

Products, places and people mentioned in our Cognac Pasquet episode

Cognac Pasquet


Cognac Ferrand

Bordeaux cocktail bars mentioned in the Cognac Pasquet episode:

Bar Louise in the François 1ere hotel bar

Bar Luciole

Bar 1838 at Chais Monnet  

La Nauve


Suggested Cognac Cellar bars:



Cognac cocktails mentioned in the episode:

Horses Neck

VIeux Carre

Cognac and Tonic

It’s a family affair

Cocktail of the Month for Castle Garden from the Met Gala 

1 oz Macallan Double Cask 12 Years Old Whisky

.75 oz Pineau des Charentes blanc 

.25 oz honey syrup*

.25 oz lemon juice

2 oz brut sparkling wine

For garnish: baby’s breath flowers

Add all ingredients except the sparkling wine and garnish to a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice. 

Shake until well chilled.

Strain into a chilled champagne flute.

Top with dry sparkling white wine.

Garnish with the baby’s breath.

Big thanks to…

Amy Pasquet of Cognac Pasquet

World Radio Paris for editing and production

Son Little for the music we use

and YOU for tuning in, downloading and listening!

Don’t Miss a Drop!

Join the Conversation about French Cognac and general cocktail culture:

  • Have you tried Cognac Pasquet or have other favorite French cognacs? Share your thoughts with us on social media using #ParisCocktailTalk and tagging in your favorite Cognac.
  • Follow 52Martinis on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates on Paris cocktails, trends and traditions of drinking in France, and tips for the best bars to drink around the world. 
  • Leave a review on iTunes for the Cognac Pasquet episode of Paris Cocktail Talk 

Please drink responsibly.

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