In our Made in France series, we highlight interesting French cocktail related products and spirits
Bourgoin verjus is an acidic juice pressed from the 100% ugni-blanc grapes grown on Bourgoin Cognac vineyard in the village of Tarasc in the Charente department of France.

The verjus, created in 2018, aims to revive historical methods of acidifying food and drink and heightening flavor, as put forward in 1600 by Olivier de Serre in his book Theatre d’agriculture et mesnage des champs. Bourgoin verjus has a Ph of 2.5 – close to that of lemon juice – and can be used in the kitchen or cocktails in place of citrus juice, vinegar or white wine.
While the Bourgoin family estate has supplied cognac as a negociant to many world-renowned brands for nearly 100 years, it’s the younger generation of the family, siblings Frédéric and Maëlys Bourgoin who have innovated to create their own range of terroir driven cognacs, syrup and verjus.
Their approach celebrates the current cocktails and spirits zeitgeist with a focus on eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practices. Additionally, verjus can be a greener alternative to citrus fruit, which can have a large carbon footprint. They also recognize the starring role that verjus plays in the current trends towards no and low alcohol cocktails.
The team behind this product brings something fresh to the table while still appreciating long-standing and worthwhile traditions.
Want to learn more about verjus? Take a deeper dive with our recent post on the what’s, why’s and how’s of this alternative acidifier.