Paris Cocktail Talk: Tribute to New Orleans

Tribute to New Orleans

In celebration of Mardi Gras, our February theme is New Orleans.  We’ll explore the connections between France, NOLA and cocktails with our guest Jennifer Greco.  

Me & My Friends

An evening of Beer Cocktails. As a nod to the growing recognition of craft beer’s place in cocktails, Lulu White will be serving their favourite beer cocktail recipes in an effort to bring together their friends of the beer world and those of the cocktail scene for a fun, beer-filled evening.

Paddy Sherlock at Lulu White

Paddy Sherlock – “Showman débordant d’énergie, zébulon charmeur, crooner facétieux, tromboniste solide. Des chansons originales interprétées avec un vrai talent de comédien (ce qu’il est également), Bref, une belle fête […]

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