This month we interview Ashley Donahey to learn more about French versus American whiskey drinkers, the French roots of Bourbon and how she crafted an American whiskey to appeal to a French market.
Tag: bourbon
What Cheese Pairs Best with a Paper Plane Cocktail?
Quick take: pair a Paper Plane cocktail with an ashed Chevriou
Day Drinking and the Best Buttermilk Biscuits in Paris at Treize au Jardin
Quick Take: Treize au Jardin delivers down home goodness and boozy tea time treats If you’re already familiar with Treize from its original location, you’re gonna love their bigger, brighter […]
What Cheese Pairs Best with a Boulevardier Cocktail?
Quick take: pair a Boulevardier cocktail with a Soumaintrain cheese In our cheese + cocktail pairing project, I’m combining my cocktail know-how with the encyclopedic cheese knowledge of Jennifer Greco […]
What Cheese Pairs Best with a Manhattan Cocktail?
Quick Take: pair a Manhattan cocktail with a 24+ month Comte cheese In this new cheese + cocktail pairing project, I’m combining my cocktail know-how with the encyclopedic cheese knowledge of […]
Shake N’Smash Musical Menu
This month my producer Thomas Shamuyarira and I decided to take a break from the studio and headed to Shake N’Smash bar to check out their summer musical menu cocktails and talk a little about conceptual cocktails.
Negroni Week at Red House
Une semaine caritative au Red House autour de notre cocktail preferé, le Negroni. Une carte speciale seront proposé avec les twists de cocktail phare a base de Monkey Shoulder, Del Maguey Vida Mezcal, Michter’s Bourbon, et Don Julio Tequila. 10% des ventes seront donné à une association caritative. Merci pour votre soutien!!!
La terrasse du Purple Bar se transforme pour vous faire vivre l’ambiance Bourbon Street, rue iconique du quartier français de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Alexandra Giraud et son équipe s’associent à « Woodford Reserve » pour créer des cocktails emblématiques de la ville à base de bourbon. Le Purple Bar proposera des associations inédites de cocktails et de cigares, mélange parfait pour mettre en avant toutes les saveurs des alcools.
Nouvelle carte de cocktails d’hiver au bar de l’hôtel André Latin
Parce que l’hiver arrive, le bar de l’Hôtel André Latin a décidé de se mettre à la page en proposant quelques nouveaux cocktails, aux saveurs hivernales.
Journeyman Featherbone Bourbon: Whips, Corsets and Organic Michigan Corn
Journeyman Featherbone Bourbon Whiskey Featherbone is a 45% ABV bourbon distilled from organic Midewest corn, wheat, rye and barley malt. It is currently available in both the US and France […]